Jan 172 min
Perbedaan ATO Tax Rulings (Australia) dengan Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pajak (Indonesia)
Sebagai negara berbasis common Law, Australia tidak hanya memiliki undang-undang sebagai dasar hukum pajak namun juga putusan pengadilan...
Jan 52 min
Articulation Notes: Tounge Placement
The human tongue is essential for producing articulate and sonorous sounds during singing or speaking. Numerous vocalists and public...
Jan 21 min
Breathing's Note: Breathing through Mouth or Nose?
The basic question when singing or public speaking is whether to breathe through our mouth or nose. In the health world, our nose is...
Aug 4, 20231 min
Breathing's Note: Diaphragmatic Breathing for Speaking
This is my notes about diaphragmatic breathing for speaking. hope this simple explanation can help you to achieve your dream to become...
Aug 4, 20231 min
Preparation Series: Warming-up Before Public Speaking
This is my second note, and it is much simpler, about warming up before speaking in 'public'. This warm-up routine starts with the neck,...
Aug 3, 202318 min
Learning English: Small Talk
Small talk serves as the vital initial step in forging meaningful connections, a bridge that we instinctively build upon whenever we...
Jul 24, 20232 min
Price and Volume: Basic Analysis
In technical analysis, volume can be interpreted as the strength of buyers and sellers. Understanding this concept enhances our ability...